for improved visual symmetry.
Importance of Addressing Anisocoria
Anisocoria refers to an unequal pupil size between the two eyes. While it may not always be a cause for concern, anisocoria can sometimes indicate an underlying medical condition or injury that requires attention. Proper evaluation and management of anisocoria are essential to determine the cause, prevent potential complications, and safeguard your eye health.
Understanding Anisocoria
- Symptoms: Anisocoria itself is a symptom characterized by unequal pupil sizes. However, it is essential to pay attention to other associated symptoms such as eye pain, changes in vision, or sensitivity to light.
- Causes: Anisocoria can have various causes, including physiological differences, nerve damage, eye trauma, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, or neurological disorders.
- Evaluation: Our ophthalmologists will conduct a thorough examination, including assessing pupil response to light and darkness, performing a detailed medical history review, and potentially ordering additional tests to identify the underlying cause.
- Treatment: The treatment of anisocoria depends on the underlying cause. It may involve addressing the primary condition or providing symptomatic relief, depending on the specific situation.

Professional Evaluation for Anisocoria
If you notice unequal pupil sizes or have any concerns about anisocoria, it is essential to seek professional evaluation. Request an appointment with KTB Eye Associates to have your condition assessed by our skilled ophthalmologists. We will conduct a comprehensive examination, determine the cause of your anisocoria, and recommend appropriate treatment or further investigations, if necessary. Take action towards preserving your eye health and request an appointment today.”